Start playing in ecosystems


Systems thinking is one of the 21-century leadership skills needed in order to navigate our increasingly complex world.

Respira help you make sense of your ecosystem with tools and methods to build resilience and confidence.

“One of the characteristics of the 21st century is that we’re investing more in complexity, and things are just getting damn complicated” 

Professor Edward Crawley,

Ford Department of Engineering, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT. 

Fast changing landscape


A wide number of global challenges are affecting business at the same time, from climate changes, conflicts and energy and material crisis, often called the polycrisis or VUCA world.

New regulatory demands


CSRD and other EU-regulations are forcing companies to know and take responsibility of their ecosystem context to a higher degree than before.




Increasing expectations


Consumers, stakeholders and employees are expecting companies to live up to high ethical and environmental standards as a lisence to operate.




Dependance on  collaboration


Most challenges are becoming wicked problems hard to solve alone as a single actor or in one value chain. 





What is systems thinking? 


Systems thinking is a way of making sense of the complexity of the world by looking at it in terms of wholes and relationships rather than by splitting it down into its parts.

Systems thinking is an intuitive human practice, we need to reconnect to by daring to play. Are you ready? 

We are all together in this single living ecosystem called Planet Earth.

As we learn how we fit into the greater scheme of things, and begin to understand how the system works, we can plan ahead, we can use the resources responsibly.»

Sylvia Earle,

Marine biologist

Learn how to navigate complexity and dance with ecosystems


Learn how to see whole systems, understand relationships and navigate your ecosystem.

What is an (eco)system?

An ecosystem consists of a community of organisms together with their physical environment. Normally, we think of natural ecosystems, but we can describe a system as the sum of its parts where the synergies are more than its parts alone.

Like a human body. Each part has its function, and removing the head or the heart from a human body will destroy system as a whole.

Here are some ways respira can help you: 

Ready to start your journey?


This fall, I will be launching different learning experiences to explore, build and practice a planet-centric mindset.

Join the email list to stay up to date on upcoming events and trainings and to get inspiration about what a planet centric mindset can mean for you. 

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