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Building a planet-centric mindset 

Just starting on your journey to become a planet-centric professional?

It does not matter if your are a designer, strategist, engineer, or high-school teacher. 

As professionals in the 21st century we have a responsibility to ensure our practice is good for people, society and our planet - regardless of role. 

The right mindset will make all the difference. 

Are you ready to reset and learn again? Come join me on the journey!

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Hello, I am Idun

I was born with agency! A strong belief in our ability to create a better world. And I am determined to have fun along the way. 

I have worked in design and sustainability space for years and care about building a planet-centric mindset – human by human. 

My superpower is my sensemaking skills, unpacking complexity and translating it to a story that makes sense for people. 

I started respira in 2024 with the mission to democratize ecosystem knowledge and to build a planet centric mindset.

I look forward to sharing my perspective and learnings with you!

Build a planet centric mindset 

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Building a planet centric centric mindset is daring to go deep, but also finding practical ways to shift our way of working - one step at the time. 

What will the emails will contain:

This is an experiment in sharing learnings and reflections about planet centric practice with a wider audience. 

  • Get information about upcoming learning sessions and resources
  • Access to my articles and learnings, like  "What is a planet centric mindset?" 
  • Reflections on balance in a value driven life and serendipity inspiration

Join the email list if you want to stay in the learning loop. 

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