Hi, hey, hola,


My name is Idun Aune and I am the founder of respira.

I was born with agency! A strong belief in our ability to create a better world. And I am determined to have fun along the way. 

I am on a mission to spark joy and agency in people while building a planet-centric mindset.


My journey

I have worked in the design and sustainability space for years and care about building a planet-centric mindset – human by human. 

My superpower is my sensemaking skills, unpacking complexity and translating it to a story that makes sense for people.

I am restlessly chasing change while patiently supporting organisations and people in their regenerative transition. 

In june 2024 I took the leap of starting my own business, respira. Welcome to respira. 

What I offer

I want to train the trainers: I am the advisor who enables you to continue without me.

Strategic advisory


I help you build a sustainable market strategy, identifying risks and opportunities in your ecosystem. 


Sustainability strategy
Ecosystem strategy
Involvement plans

Learning design


I help you design and/or deliver sustainability learning programs for your organisation. 


Sustainability programs
L&D strategy
Learning experiences

Keynotes and workshops


I deliver engaging lectures or workshops with the purpose of inspire, challenge or upskill your employees. 


Planet centric mindset
Systemic design thinking
Ecosystem mapping workshops


Respira is on a mission to democtratize ecosystem knowledge and help people and organisations build a planet centric mindset.

The purpose is to plant seeds of change, find sparks of joy, ignite agency and hope.


Respira is a value driven company, founded on the values of justice, joy, curiosity and transparency. 

Respira has signed Creatives for climate commitment to divest from destruction and to be a positive contributor to a flourishing planet.

What others say


You have fantastic competence and «people skills» – in addition to an understanding of what is needed to move in the direction of the desired situation when TOBE is defined. Many manage to arrive at a good picture of TOBE, but not the bit of seeing which measures can be taken step by step to get there. There you are completely awesome. 

Elin Olsen Kallevik,
Directorate of e-health